Welcome to the radical middle
Come join a growing movement of believers who deeply value the supremacy of Scripture and believe the power of the Holy Spirit is still active today through His miraculous gifts.
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Word And Spirit School of Ministry
Remnant Radio's Word and Spirit School of Ministry offers two courses: Introduction to Christian Theology and Introduction to Spiritual Gifts.

Remnant Conferences And Events
Join Remnant Radio in Houston this fall for our Remnant Conference on Healing & Deliverance. In-person and livestream tickets available! Grab Early Bird Price!
"Remnant Radio is a leader in video podcasts, with consistent quality in its content--addressing wide-ranging interests in a vigorous but respectful manner."
Dr. Carmen Imes
Associate Professor of Old Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

"Remnant Radio provides a beneficial service for Christians of all backgrounds in its commitment to allowing people from all different perspectives to speak. You probably won't agree with all of their guests, or even with all of the hosts, but they are always fair and willing to listen and discuss important issues without being dismissive. In an age where controversy and combativeness reign, the conversational approach they take with scholars, pastors, and with one another is refreshing."
Dr. Jordan B. Cooper
Executive Director, Just and Sinner
All of the Word.
All of the Spirit.
We believe that the balance, or as we call it the "radical middle" between Word and Spirit isn't found through treating them like opposing forces. Rather, it's found through pursuing both fully and deeply. We want the full counsel of the Word of God. We want you to be biblically literate, equipped to rightly divide the Word for yourself. We also want the Holy Spirit to move in power, unhindered and unquenched in our lives, and we want you to see His miraculous power at work.
It's easy to feel theologically homeless when you have a hunger for the Word, an appreciation for church history and liturgy, yet see the lack of spiritual depth in many churches. We also know how stifling it can feel to know there is more to experience of God's power in your life, but have so few balanced voices to learn from. The Remnant Radio was born out of our own hunger for challenging conversations, theological depth, and a desire to experience all that God has for us!