Destabilizing Theological Echo chambers
Every Mon. & Wed. at 4PM CST/UTC-6 on YouTube
with Recordings on All Major Podcasting Platforms

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Conversations from all Corners of Christianity
We've welcomed believers representing Baptists, Methodists, Anglicans, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Charismatics and more to join us live on air, where we engage in theological wrestling matches. It's important to note that we don't always agree with our guests, but we're eager to learn how different traditions interpret the Scriptures. In every episode, we strive to offer constructive dialogue and healthy pushback without veering into argumentative or combative territory.
Expect each Remnant Radio episode to be not only informative but also encouraging, entertaining, and, hopefully, inspiring. Our ultimate goal is to help every individual break out of their theological echo chamber and engage in the conversation, regardless of their academic background.
" We don’t always agree with the views of our guests. And, we don’t expect you to always agree, either. But we are brothers and sisters in Christ, and we agree to humbly approach God’s Word to better understand it together."
"Remnant Radio is a leader in video podcasts, with consistent quality in its content--addressing wide-ranging interests in a vigorous but respectful manner."
Dr. Carmen Imes
Associate Professor of Old Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

"Remnant Radio provides a beneficial service for Christians of all backgrounds in its commitment to allowing people from all different perspectives to speak. You probably won't agree with all of their guests, or even with all of the hosts, but they are always fair and willing to listen and discuss important issues without being dismissive. In an age where controversy and combativeness reign, the conversational approach they take with scholars, pastors, and with one another is refreshing."
Dr. Jordan B. Cooper
Executive Director, Just and Sinner