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February 8, 2022
What is Repentance? by J.I.Packer

One of the best explanations of Repentance I have ever read was by J.I. Packer. I have quoted it in full below. The excerpt is from Rediscovering Holiness by J.I. Packer, published by Regal Books, 2009. The except comes from chapter five. What is repentance? What does it mean to repent? The term is a […]

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February 8, 2022
Towards a Definition of Repentance

Today definitions are assumed rather than investigated. Yet we live and "define" our lives by them. A definition in need of investigation is repentance.  A good way to get at defining such important and common terms is by first explaining what it is not. So let us take a moment to  investigate the contrast between […]

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February 2, 2022
Mark the Man: Biographical construction

The story of John Mark scattered through a handful of verses in the New Testament is actually a beautiful picture of failure and restoration. In this brief biographical sketch I outline his story using five pictures, drawn from the New Testament evidence. Mark story shows us how God can use even the unassuming and unimpressive […]

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February 2, 2022
Garland on Jesus' Authority and Church Leadership

We are back looking at some of the more provocative thoughts from David Garland's commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Garland in discussing Jesus’ authority contrasts Jesus' response to his authoritative teaching and the obsession with spiritual authority in church leadership notes a common disconnect. First, Garland points out that in Mark Jesus avoided publicity […]

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January 22, 2022
Marks supposed errors in geography

In Academic discussion about the gospel of Mark much ink is spilt over Mark’s supposed geographical ignorance. While many scarf a case can be made for the reliability of mark and explanation given mark’s geographic descriptions. Among scholars the most frequently cited is 7:31, “And having departed from the regions of Tyre, he again came […]

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January 22, 2022
Radical Discipleship in Mark (Part 2)

Jesus’ Approach to Discipleship The theme of discipleship is all over Mark. Mark teaches his readers about discipleship in three ways. 1.) recounting Jesus’s teaching on the subject, 2.) narrating different accounts in which Jesus invites various individuals to follow him. 3.) retelling the example of Christ. Jesus’ style of life reveals the content of […]

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January 22, 2022
Cost of Discipleship

To get at the Cost of Discipleship in Mark we will look at a few texts in Mark. First Mark 1:16-20 and we will key in on verse 17 and Second Mark 8:34-38. Mark 1:16-20 has much to teach us about discipleship. Jesus gives a command, and a promise that inform what is meant by […]

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January 22, 2022
Radical Discipleship in Mark

Mark teaches his readers about discipleship in two ways. First way is by recounting Jesus's general teaching on the subject. Including Mark’s choice of examples that illustrate discipleship for his readers. He retells different accounts in which Jesus invites various individuals to follow him and their response. The second way is by narrating how Jesus […]

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January 15, 2022
The Worst Secret in Mark

Mark 1:41-44aJesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. And He strictly warned him and sent him away at once, and said to him, “See that you say […]

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January 15, 2022
The Genre of the Gospels

The short answer: Gospels are written in genre of Roman biographies. A Few Academic Voice on the Issue Craig Keener: “Most Gospels scholars today view the Gospels as belonging to the genre of ancient biography. Both supporters and detractors now recognize this general consensus…. Arguments concerning the biographical character of the Gospels have thus come […]

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