Two Years Later: Remembering Asbury and Seeking God’s Ongoing Work

Reflect on the Asbury Outpouring two years later, exploring its lasting impact, the importance of gentleness and repentance, and the ongoing need for a vibrant relationship with Christ.

March 12, 2025

Two years have passed since the events at Asbury University captured the attention of the Christian world. As the Remnant Radio team, we felt it was important to revisit this moment, not to simply reminisce, but to glean lasting lessons and consider its ongoing significance. We were fortunate to speak with Rev. Dr. Suzanne Nicholson, a professor at Asbury, who offered valuable insights into the outpouring and its impact.

One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the pervasive sense of gentleness that characterized the Asbury event. In a world often marked by noise and sensationalism, the Holy Spirit manifested in a way that was deeply peaceful and loving. This gentleness, however, did not negate the profound conviction of sin that led many to repentance. Rather, it created an atmosphere of grace where individuals felt safe to confess their struggles and receive healing.

We also discussed the unique role of young people in the Asbury event. It was a student-led movement, driven by a generation hungry for purpose and meaning. This highlights the importance of empowering young voices in the church and recognizing their capacity to lead and inspire. While the Asbury outpouring was a specific event in a particular place, it serves as a reminder that God is always at work, seeking to draw people into deeper relationship with Himself. As Suzanne noted, the stories we read in Scripture aren’t just relics of the past; they’re glimpses of a God who is present and active in our world today.

However, we also recognize the danger of revival-ism, of chasing after extraordinary experiences while neglecting the ordinary means of grace. The goal of Revival is not to create a fleeting emotional high, but to equip us for a life of holiness and service. It’s about empowering us to go out into the world and share the good news of Jesus with others. As we reflect on Asbury, our prayer is that we would not simply long for another outpouring, but that we would cultivate a hunger for God’s presence in every aspect of our lives. May we be a people who are continually seeking Him, open to His leading, and committed to living out His love in a world that desperately needs it.

You can watch the full episode here.
